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Most Affordable Solar Package

Solar Power for less than you imagined!!


Designed with the budget conscious consumer in mind this 2000w package with 710w installed solar panel will run lights, small appliances and electronic items!  

At $58.00 Bi-weekly for 5 years,  You can’t beat the price!

Image by grace wang

Small Cabin Solar Package

Reliable products....Reliable Power!!  Don’t let poor quality leave you in the dark!


Designed with a small cabin in mind, the price will make you wonder why you didn't make the move to solar sooner!!!!  A 2000w package with 900 w of solar panels starting at  $75.00 Bi-weekly for 5 years,  You won't believe the value!!

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Medium Cabin Solar Package

You can have all the comforts of home without breaking the bank!



At 3000w this system with 1800w of solar panel will power a medium sized Cabin with ease!  Starting at $125.00 Bi-weekly for 5 years,  you will wonder why you spent all those years hauling gasoline!!


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Large Cabin Solar Package

If you need more power we have you covered!


At 5000w this system with 3600w of installed solar will power most cabins with ease!   

Starting at $185.00 Bi-weekly for 5 years, you will be the envy of the neighbors, If you had any!!


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